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json parse unexpected error

Go to solution Solved by ljm42,

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What url are you using to access the server?


Based on your settings, it should either be:


  or https://ip.hash.myunraid.net

If you are using a different url the API will have CORS errors


Also, there is an issue with this DNS server:


I'm seeing multiple errors:

ERROR: When using DNS server, the host 192-168-3-252.hash.myunraid.net does not resolve.

May  5 13:54:24 SuperMicroTower root: ⚠️ Warning: Your DNS server ( is unable to resolve 'registration.unraid.net'
May  5 13:54:38 SuperMicroTower root: ⚠️ Warning: Your DNS server ( is unable to resolve 'mothership.unraid.net'
May  5 13:54:52 SuperMicroTower root: ⚠️ Warning: Your DNS server ( is unable to resolve 'wanip4.unraid.net'
May  5 13:55:06 SuperMicroTower root: ⚠️ Warning: Your DNS server ( is unable to resolve 'backup.unraid.net'


Also, the syslog shows some network issues:

May  5 14:05:25 SuperMicroTower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Unable to communicate with GitHub.com
May  5 14:05:25 SuperMicroTower root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: Could not check for blacklisted plugins
May  5 14:05:26 SuperMicroTower root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: Could not perform unknown plugins installed checks

This may be due to the DNS Server issue above, or it may be because of this:

May  5 14:05:26 SuperMicroTower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Multiple NICs on the same IPv4 network ** Ignored

which is described here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/120220-fix-common-problems-more-information/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-1100014 


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