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Drive Families for Data Hoarding

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So my intended use for a nas is data hoarding: reads will be rare, writes even more so, speed isn't important (I was happy in the 100mb lan days), reliability matters, server will spend 99.9% of its time completely idle.


Back in the day, WD had a green line, the gimmick being the drives powered down when idle. Marketed as energy saving, but one could argue less mechanical wear also. Green series is gone, but surely some drive families exhibit that behavior?


So I can do my own shopping, but do people know drive families that meet those goals: reasonable cost, reliability, low spindle speed is fine, and power down is desirable?

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Ok, so back to topic: Opinions on family choices for this application (cost and reliability count, speed doesn't)? We don't have to be insane about reliability, as this will be a parity'ed volume. Does anyone know what reputation Arsenal drives have? Never heard of those until recently.

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