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GPU passthrough issue

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I have a window 10 VM I use for gaming (headless but with a HDMI dummy plug, I use parsec and steam link to play games) and suddenly a few days ago the GPU stopped working. It would show up in device manger but wouldn’t process video (encoding for parsec) or 3D rendering (gaming). My server also crashed /restarted on its own once or twice. After some tinkering around and losing my mind, I replaced the GPU BIOS file the server uses for the VM and suddenly it started working fine for several days. Last night it started doing the same thing and now replacing the BIOS isn’t fixing anything. I tried it in a different VM and it has the same issues. I took the GPU with me to work to test it outside of Unraid and it worked fine with every test. I put it and a test GPU in the server and both had the same issue. Now sometimes it loads the VM with no GPU problems and sometimes it has the issue so at this point I am losing my mind so If anyone has any ideas that would great. Also I just remembered that for the past few weeks the VM has been pausing itself for no reason that I can figure out, its only happened twice and it is possible that my friend has accidently been putting it to sleep or something but I figured I would mention it.

GPU is a GTX 970, test GPU is a GT 710, running Unraid 6.9.2, VM OS is windows 10

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Thank you for your reply. I unfortunately do not have the logs from the last time it crashed and for now the GPU is working and I still need it for stuff so I do not want to force it to stop working until the project I am working on is finished. Also as far as I can tell it still should display video if I had a monitor hooked up to it, the GPU still shows up and it still shows the dummy plug under monitors it just cant process video encoding or 3D graphics but window remote desktop still works so that is how I am able to still see the screen. when the project is done (should be tonight) or the card drops out ill make sure to grab the diagnostics

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