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Container Static IP changes once a week

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I apologize for not being prepared for this thread.  I'm unsure what info would be relevant to provide.


What happens:
About once a week or so, one of my containers that I have set a static IP for loses its static IP and gets set to, which happens to be the address assigned to a piece of network equipment in my network.  I have to manually remove the container and re-add it, or manually set the network type away from "custom: eth0" then back again and retype the IP address.  This has been plaguing me for months, and google has failed me.


My router is ALSO set to assign the correct IP address via DHCP to the MAC this container has.  It seems to pretty consistently get changed to sometime late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning in my time zone  (US Eastern).


I suspect that this might be related to the CA AutoUpdate plugin, but have no basis as to why it would be.


The template and the diagnostic files are attached.  Any idea where to look for what could be causing this issue?  I'm happy to provide any other information or logs needed to help diagnose the issue.



rocinante-diagnostics-20220518-1734.zip my-syncthing.xml

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