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Impending system failure & migration.....?

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I have an old system which I think has given 10-15 years of faultless service currently running 6.1.6 plus.

Yesterday the tower started slowly beeping, and was uncontactable. A restart gave no beeps, but not contactable.  After finding an old VGA monitor, I restarted it, and everything started working again. Contactable, parity checks running, no idea what happened.

This evening started beeping again. Its probably mobo components on the edge!!!

I am thinking of migrating the system to a different unit. 


Can I just put all the drives on a different mobo / cpu setup. I have another old (but little used ) AMD 32bit , which is a bit newer. I dont really need all the new docker / bells and whistles just reliable storage. 


Screenshot 2022-05-18 at 19.14.46.png

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Yes, it is as easy as you describe. swap out your old MB and CPU and use the new MB and CPU. On my third setup now since being on 6.x series as it is much easier now that drive assignments are based on serial numbers.

Turn off Array Auto Start and get a clean shutdown before you perform the swap.

Make sure to double check the seating of the power and sata cables to the drives on the new setup before powering on.

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