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NextCloud + Resilio Sync (Multiple Unraid Servers)

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Very new to Unraid, spending a lot of time watching YouTube to try and minimize questions.  Stuck on one question since I'm new to using Nextcloud.  I've setup Mariadb + Nextcloud and it is working great on a single server, however, my ultimate goal is to run three separate unraid servers in three physical different locations.  For speed of data access in those three locations I don't want to one Nextcloud instance on one of the servers and use Resilio Sync to sync the data in Nextcloud to the other two unraid servers in the other locations.  I'd prefer to have each running their own instance of Nextcloud, same users & authentication but if a file is updated on the local Nextcloud instance, using Resilio Sync that file is then written to the same NextCloud location on the other two Unraid servers and shows up under the appropriate users Nextcloud user path, if the user were to go to that location and log into Nextcloud with the same Nextcloud user and password.  To test this I setup a single Nextcloud instance and moved a single file, not through Nextcloud, into one of the next cloud user directories, however, it does not show up in the Nextcloud UI.  


Is what I'm attempting to do possible?  Any recommendations on how to get this to work?  Thanks in advance!

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On 6/11/2022 at 1:32 PM, Tharnax said:

I setup a single Nextcloud instance and moved a single file, not through Nextcloud, into one of the next cloud user directories, however, it does not show up in the Nextcloud UI.  

Nextcloud maintains a database of files accessed through its interface, if you change files without nextcloud being involved, you must resync the database. This is talked about several times in the nextcloud support thread.

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@JonathanM - Thank you for you reply.  I attempted to look through the nextcloud support thread to understand how to resync the database without much luck but I will continue searching.  Do you think this is the best approach or would it make more sense to research utilizing Syncthings for with the primary purpose of syncing data across Unraid servers.  I've since installed the Syncthings docker, however, still reading through the documentation on how to select the appropriate folders / files which I want to sync between servers.  Work in progress. 

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Thank you very much for this these three "words" + : , it definitely pointed me in the right direction and worked exactly as requested.  Also, utilizing this I found another thread on automating the scan, now I just need to figure out how to make it work in Unraid Nextcloud Docker.  Again, much appreciated!

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