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Weird boot issues when many usb drives attached

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Hey guys,


I'm going nuts. I hope someone has a few ideas to help me out.. the forums and google couldn't help any further.


My setup basically: Asrock Z590m-itx and intel 11600k


The following issue:

  • Unraid runs totally fine if I just boot from my usb stick
  • If I attach now my numerous usb drives directly via usb and the usb hub (~10 for a Chia farm) while the server is already up and running everything is smooth, gets recognized and runs perfectly.
  • However, in case of required Unraid reboots for updates or a power outage the Unraid server won't boot properly anymore and goes straight to UEFI if the usb drives are attached.
  • It only boots up again, if I detach them manually and boot again. 
  • Checking the UEFI I can only set/change boot order from usb drives if the other drives (except Unraid usb stick) are not attached. As soon as all the drives are attached I don't see the option anymore to change boot order, etc. In fact it shows nothing under boot priority.


Honestly.. this drives me nuts and is a pain in the ass. I already tried updating bios, changing usb slots, changing usb hub, etc.


It just seems as if the setup is not able to handle that many usb drives while booting.. as if it is overwhelmed and gives up prior to finding the unraid usb stick.


Anyone who can help?

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Ah shit. I doubt that they will be willing or able to help me. I will try to write the support... otherwise I have to think of a smart solution on how to maybe start the usb drives with a delay. Maybe via a smart plug that I can switch on/off manually.

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