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Server Crashed during parity build

Go to solution Solved by lcadmedia,

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*** UPDATE #2 ***

Disabling vCore offset mode and set to auto did the trick while enabling XMP on my RAM but I have 4 Samsung B-Die 3200Mhz CL14 @ 1.35v RAM which had no errors on memtests a while back when I ran it.


Unraid Server has been running w/o any crashes now, despite enabling XMP which can increase instability rather than setting it to 2933Mhz ; but everything seems to be stable now.

The downside is that my CPU (Ryzen 3800X) runs hot (PBO on Auto) on idle at 50 C - 60 C, and goes to 70 C - 75 C during load based on Tctl.

I wish I could lower the voltage but I don't want any instability at the moment while I'm finalizing all my Parity Sync, Time Machine, and Windows VM Backups.


But uptime currently more than 2 days which is very promising!


*** UPDATE ***


Unraid server seems to freeze/hang during idle or when there's close to nothing going on, and with vCore on Offset mode.
Seems like vCore too low during idle that causes instability, so I disabled offset mode and just set it on auto. 

Seems to be working normal currently.


I went back to my BIOS and changed my vCore from offset mode to Auto, and put my DRAM XMP Profile as it was intended for the RAM to 3200Mhz CL14 @ 1.35v, instead of setting it to 2933Mhz as per Official AMD Frequency.


Then I disabled one of my dockers (VPN) that used br0, even though I've changed it to IPVLan since the MacVLan were crashing the entire system.


And it finished my Parity Sync without hiccups!!! 

For some reason, my RAM XMP Profile made it more stable...


Now, Pre-clearing my 2nd 16TB Drive!





The Server was running fine for 2 - 3 days online, then I started parity sync yesterday and was about 87% until the server suddenly crashed.

pre-crash BIOS settings:


CPU: Ryzen 3800X - offset mode - 0.05v

RAM: TEAMGROUP-UD4-3200 - 2933Mhz CL14 @1.35v (Recommended settings: 3200Mhz CL14 @1.3v)

Typical Current Idle, Global C-State disabled.


Curious Question:
- Under System Profiler > Memory Device: My RAM Voltage is shown 1.2v for min, max and configured voltage even though I've set the RAM Voltage to 1.35v, and BIOS even shows 1.36 - 1.37v. Is that accurate on Unraid?


I have attached my Post crash diagnostics, if you guys can take a look at it. It would be greatly appreciated.




kbnomadserver-diagnostics-20220707-2216.zip syslog-

Edited by kbnomad
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7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Respect maximum officially supported RAM speed for you config.

Yes, I was explicitly setting the frequency to 2933Mhz as per official supported RAM speed for 4 slots pre-crash.

I've set everything on auto after reboot which the RAM sets to its default 3200Mhz CL14, and just set the DRAM Voltage to auto.

That is why the diganostics show 3200Mhz CL14, and disabled one of my dockers that uses br0 which one reddit user suggested of a common br0 issue with macvlan, which crashes the whole system with it on 6.10.3.

So far it's been up for 12hrs and parity rebuild almost done.
Will see how long the RAM config lasts before it crashes.

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