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Booing an existing server with a trial USB?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have a server that's having some I/O issues that I'm trying to diagnose.

I am able to recreate the issue 100% of the time using a VM (not limited to VM's though) which means I don't need a valid array.

To try and narrow it down to either a bad config or bad/incompatible hardware, I want to boot my current hardware using a trial version of UnRaid and load VM onto it to see if it still had the same problem.


No issue = Config error
Same issue = Hardcore issue (or incompatibility)


I have a couple of unassigned drives with no data on them for testing this, so I wont be touching any of the array drives.

My question is... Is there anything I need to consider when booting into the new trial USB so I don't destroy my current setup?

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