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How can I test my Unraid server for external vulnerabilities?

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Hello Unraid Community,


I was curious if there was a way to test my Unraid server for exposure points? I have a feeling there isn't anything out there, but in a perfect world, there would be an app or webapp I can run, pointing to my public IP, and click "run" to see if there are any holes in my setup : )


I suppose, alternatively, I can hire a whitehat hacker to test things out... seemed like an extreme solution for a common problem.


Unraid 6.10.3 - basic apps installed (including Plex)



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Do you have ports forwarded on your router or passed through on your endpoint firewall? If so, which ports are you pointing them to on your Unraid box, and which containers or apps are responding? Are those containers or apps up to date and currently widely used across the internet? Are they configured according to their app specific best practices?


AFAIK, network security isn't a black and white thing, if you open services to the outside world, you have to stay current and monitor those services to be sure they are as secure as possible. BTW, this is a general practices type of question, not really Unraid specific.

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