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Drive with red ball and I know parity is not good

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Yeah - I know I've got some issues that I'll need to look into. ;) 


I know that parity is not correct. 

I also have a full disk which displays a red ball which I believe means a write failed to it.  I believe most the data on this drive is fine and want to get it back in the array.


What I've done so far...  Remove the dive from the array, start the array, stop the array.  I've now got a blue ball.  I was about to start the array when something told me that was the wrong move, which I have since confirmed.  I know the usual thing to do is go ahead and start the array and let parity rebuild the drive but since my parity is no good I can't do that.  I seem to recall there is a way to add this disk back and then rebuild parity with it in the array I just can't find the right steps.  Could someone please point me in the right direction.


thank you

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