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New User aanndd noob! :-)


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Hi everyone!,

Just want to say, "Hello!"

...bought the basic  version (no plan for any more than 5 disks or so - too expensive! - have 3 atm, maybe add 1 more).  Didn't upgrade from trial as the usb drive was 'a bit ropey!' I have a 'signed out server' in 'My Servers', which from reading will expire after 30 days - pity you just can't delete. - Still learning (I am a noob!!) 🙂


This is a hobby for me as I have a spare PC and do not want to buy a dedicated NAS. 😄...anyway, have Unraid all setup (more or less) for what I need, have shared folder access from another PC aanndd even 'sussed' out the vpn thingy...access via mobile phone. 😄


Working on getting Sab, Sonarr and Plex working...nearly there, BUT just do not know where the files go? 😐 ...work in progress, the help videos viewed show various methods, BUT not how to properly set the file structure...my Question:


"Is there a current link that shows how to do this?" 🙂


Best Regards.


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5 hours ago, MarkMcG said:

BUT not how to properly set the file structure

Because there is no single best way to do it. There are multiple competing strategies on what works best, so my advice is keep researching and finding out why there are different opinions and find what works for your specific setup.

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Many thanks for the reply...thought there was a 'file structure' guide about and i just couldn't find it 🙂 

True...I know I have the hard part working. 🙂 

Even have setup folders and can access from another PC, created subfolders, but cannot 'see' them in the other apps 😐 

Apps 'work' but cannot 'find' where files go 😐 

I know it is something to do with how linux creates file structures and access  ...yes, a  'brain fart'...will have another go next day with a fresh mind 🙂 

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6 hours ago, MarkMcG said:

Apps 'work' but cannot 'find' where files go

If you are talking about containers, then the issue is probably path mapping. Containers only see what they have mapped, like a totally separate computer would. If you map /mnt/user/downloads to /data, then the container sees everything in /mnt/user/downloads in its /data folder. It can't directly see anything in /mnt/user, only the sections that you map, and then only at the paths you designate on the container side. If multiple containers need to see the folders identically, then the mappings need to be identical for those folders. Mapping /mnt/user/downloads to /downloads in one container and /data in another won't work, the files will be there but one will see them in /downloads and the other in /data.

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