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unable to add cache disk

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Iam 100% sure i had a Cache Disk assigned and it was working a while ago, i just recently checked the config and just saw that the cache disk shows the error "Cache MZILS960HEHP0D3_S3BFNA0J400008 - 960 GB (sdk) 33 C69406510 btrfs Unmountable: Invalid pool config"

What i tried until now:

Server Reboot

unassign disk and reassign disk with reboots in between

unassign disk from cache, unassign disk from array and cross assign (cache disk to array, array disk to cache) with reboot

format disk 


nothing worked i always have the same error on the cache disk


i attached the diagnostics

any idea or help (that do not involve a total rebuild) is much appreciated :)



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  • Solution

This is a known issue that will happen when you have a single array device formatted with btrfs, parity will have an invalid btrfs filesystem that causes issues during btrfs device scan for the pools, solution for now would be to format disk5 with xfs like the remaining devices or if you really want btrfs for that device you can use encrypted btrfs.

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thank you! you pointed me in the right direction but in order to solve it i had to do the following:


stop array

unassign disk

change disk to btrfs encrypted (nothing else was available no xfs or anything else)

assign disk (message appeared drive has to be encrypted)

start array

stop array 

now i was able to change to xfs

start array



Thank you !

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