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Docker image disk utilization goes up and down between 68% - 74% recently


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Iv'e  been getting these notifications about the docker disk image in the recent 2 weeks:


Docker image disk utilization of 70%

Docker image disk utilization returned to normal level

Docker image disk utilization of 74%

Docker image disk utilization returned to normal level



Iv'e also noticed that I sometimes get these warnings when I apply updates to containers as well.


How can I resolve this?


Screenshots and Diagnostics are attached.


Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 7.07.48 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 7.48.26 PM.png


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Several options.

Change the warning thresholds.

Expand the image size limit.

Delete the current image and recreate as the same size, but don't reinstall all the apps you currently have, omit what you don't use.

Change to a directory instead of an vdisk image.


The image will normally expand and contract as updates are applied or containers are added and removed. If the size varies across the warning thresholds, you will get constant warnings.

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Thanks @JonathanM.  Sometime over the weekend I'll try the 3rd option to delete and recreate the image.  According to my setup, diagnostics and screenshots, does anything look odd or would cause it to fill up excessively?  I wanted to make sure that there isn't anything wrong before I continue to try to remedy the issue.


Can you explain "Change to a directory instead of an vdisk image" a little more.  I thought the docker image would always be a vdisk.


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