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5.0ba not starting array upon reboot

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Upon restart the array is not starting automatically despite having the setting enabled. Does anyone have anything that might cause this to happen?


I believe it started happening after installing the unMENU script to install/start sab/sickbear/couchpotato which are stored on the cache drive. What appears to be happening it that the script to start those services is creating /mnt/cache before it has time to come online...does this sound accurate? Is there a fix?

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Upon restart the array is not starting automatically despite having the setting enabled. Does anyone have anything that might cause this to happen?


I believe it started happening after installing the unMENU script to install/start sab/sickbear/couchpotato which are stored on the cache drive. What appears to be happening it that the script to start those services is creating /mnt/cache before it has time to come online...does this sound accurate? Is there a fix?

yes, don't start those until after the array is started.  In other words, get the author of those scripts to wait until AFTER the /mnt/cache drive is present.


Joe L.

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