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New Unraid setup: Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system on the first drive

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hello there!


One of the reasons I chose to try Unraid was the awesome support but did not expect to need it so early!


I'm migrating from FlexRaid on Windows (yeah, about time, I know!). Since FlexRaid stopped working completely I need to get Unraid up and running as soon as I can. While I'm waiting for new drives to be delivered, I've decided to use the former (FlexRaid) parity drive as the first drive in my unraid array as it is the only empty drive I have at the moment. 


I was following these guides:



What have I done so far:

I've set up Unraid, ran preclear on the drive (using the UD Preclear plugin), loaded it to Disk 1 slot, formatted it and started the array.

I created a user share and then using MC started copying data from one of my existing NTFS drives to the share.

Everything went really well and I was able to access my data over the network. 

Note that at this point I still don't have parity set up.


I had to go away for work so I shut down the array (through the UI) and as far as I know it all went smoothly. When I came back I started the machine again, (noticed that the array did not auto start so) started the array, and the drive now comes up as "Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system "...


I checked and if I mount it manually through terminal (as read only) the data seems to all be there.


I've been through the forum and saw that this can be fixed in maintenance mode using the


command, but before doing it thought I'd post and see if that's the right solution and also try and figure out what happened here in the first place...





Edited by AncientWisdom
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