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Multiple read errors but read check came back with no errors

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Last night I had some read errors for the first time in my array. I ran a read-check, however, and it came back with no errors. I am not sure what I need to do. Searching previous posts indicates that I might need to replace my drive or my SATA cable, but I don't know how to work out which I need to do.


I've attached my diagnostics here. I am doing a SMART extended test now. I tried one overnight but it hung at 10% so I restarted it (currently at 80%).

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On 10/5/2022 at 11:47 AM, JorgeB said:

Looks more like a connection/power problem but wait for the SMART test to finish and check the results, or post new diags.


It hung again, so I replaced the SATA cable and ran it again. SMART extended finished with 0 errors, and I haven't had a read error since - cheers!

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