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Rebuilding a machine after a major move (Part pick opinions needed)


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So I finally moved from France to the US, and only took my drives, wife's old PC CPU, Dell H200 HBA (I think that is what it is called), and unRAID USB with me out of my ancient Dell T110 tower I had over there.

Time to rebuild my server, and I would appreciate any and all feedback on the components I have picked out to do so.

I based everything off the CPU. It is an i7-3770 

https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tX76PX (I used NewEgg to gather everything, and then added it to PC Part Picker for readability. Please ignore the HDD and SDD since I just copy-pasted the biggest of each I had)

If you have an opinion on what should be changed please let me know, and if possible why.

I'm trying to keep cost to a minimum, but I am flying a bit blind.
The ancient T110 worked really well for my use, but we didn't have room in the suitcase for it.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by deuxcolors
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1 hour ago, deuxcolors said:

Money, and because it is what I have on hand.

If all else remained the same, would you have a more modern CPU+mobo recommendation that can fit in the $500 (All included) ballpark?

The motherboard on your list is not cheap.

How many drives are you planning on using?

Will you be using an HBA card?

I think it would make more sense to get a much more modern and efficient $100 i3-10100 accompanied by a $150 motherboard for virtually the same price as your proposed combo.

Edited by Lolight
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25 minutes ago, Lolight said:

The motherboard on your list is not cheap.

How many drives are you planning on using?

Will you be using an HBA?

I think it would make more sense to get a much more modern and efficient $100 i3-10100 accompanied by a $150 motherboard for virtually the same price as your proposed combo.

I have, and use, 8 HDDs and 2 (Down from 4) SSDs. Yes, the HBA is necessary.

The mobo isn't cheap, and I'm not married to it. I do like the dual ethernet, internal USB port (A cheap header can do the same), and the available SATA ports.

As for the power supply, I'm indifferent to the brand but the 750W was a choice based on the number I drives I have and would prefer avoiding daisy-chaining power to the SSDs.

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4 minutes ago, deuxcolors said:

As for the power supply, I'm indifferent to the brand but the 750W was a choice based on the number I drives I have and would prefer avoiding daisy-chaining power to the SSDs.

As I've mentioned that particular Evga model is not great, regardless of selected wattage.

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