Docker and VM start / stop

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I'm writting a script to stop all runing containers and one VM, launch backup, start containers and VM and sync backup to onedrive.


So I have most of it but is there a way to start only the dockers that were previosly started? basically I want to start only the containers with the autostart setting, I know I can type all the containers manually but I don't want to maintain the code and I would like something more automatic.


The other question is what is the command to gracefully shutdown and start a VM?

Edited by L0rdRaiden
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In case is useful for someone this is how ended up my script for backup with Kopia and rclone sync




/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Backup process started" -d "Start Kopia and stopping containers" -i "normal"

docker start Kopia
virsh shutdown AlmaLinux
docker stop -t 120 HomeAssistant
docker stop -t 120 MariaDBHA
sleep 60s

/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Kopia backup started" -d "Kopia backup to drive" -i "normal"

docker exec Kopia kopia snapshot create /app/data/Backup/UnraidOS
docker exec Kopia kopia snapshot create /app/data/Docker
docker exec Kopia kopia snapshot create /app/data/VMDisks/libvirt
docker exec Kopia kopia snapshot create /app/data/VMDisks/AlmaLinux
sleep 10s

/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Rclone backup started" -d "Synchronizing backup to OneDrive" -i "normal"

rm $rclonelog

rclone sync /mnt/user/Backup/Kopia onedrive:"/Backup/Kopia" --log-file=$rclonelog --log-level INFO #NOTICE

Transfered1=$(grep "Transferred:" $rclonelog | grep "MiB" |  tail -n 1)
Checks=$(grep "Checks:" $rclonelog | tail -n 1)
Deleted=$(grep "Deleted:" $rclonelog | tail -n 1)
Transferred2=$(grep "Transferred:" $rclonelog | tail -n 1)
Elapsedtime=$(grep "Elapsed time:"$rclonelog |  tail -n 1)
Warning=$(grep "warning:" $rclonelog |  tail -n 1)
Error=$(grep "error:" $rclonelog |  tail -n 1)
/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -d "$Transfered1<br>$Checks<br>$Deleted<br>$Transferred2<br>$Elapsedtime<br>$Warning<br>$Error"

virsh start AlmaLinux
docker start MariaDBHA
sleep 60s
docker start HomeAssistant
docker stop Kopia

/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Backup finished" -d "Synchronization completed" -i "normal"


my next pending task is to find out how to get some output of the result of the backups in KOPIA to send a notification, similar to what I did with Rclone

Edited by L0rdRaiden
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