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Attributes and capabilites not available


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I just upgraded my cache from 2x500GB to 2x1TB with two WD Blue SSDs, mirrored. When I view the disk info, the Attributes and Capabilities tabs have 'not available' messages. I couldn't find much about it searching. One reason I replaced them as well was error messages from those attributes on my other disks, and it seems I'm blind to them now, but I wouldn't expect WD to be that rare or odd as for as drives go.


I was previously using Samsung Evo SSDs, but one was getting an increasing reallocated sector count, then worse errors. I replaced it with another EVO. Same thing happening with it a few months later (the other has been perfect though), so I decided to change brands and increase the size.


Now I'm worried the same thing will be going on and I won't know about it. If that's going to be the case with these drives, would it result in corrupt files potentenially being moved, or does btrfs somehow notice if something doesn't match up?

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Nevermind, this info is available now. I expected it to be available immediately. I'm out of SATA ports so I shut down, replaced one cache drive, rebooted, put the new drive in the empty slot, waited for the array to start and btrfs to finish its mounting, which took a bit. Then I did the same for the second drive. Then I rebooted again for good measure. Though I haven't rebooted since last time I checked. I guess it just takes some time to appear after installing a new drive... I didn't even consider it could be delayed.

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Well this is odd @JorgeB, now they are unavailable again. I haven't changed anything or rebooted, though I did copy some files to the cache, whilch are still on it until mover runs. The disk info seems to come and go, but the cache works fine. Sorry to respond so many times but things kept chaning and throwing me off. Diagnostics in comment above. Thanks again for any insight!

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22 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Maybe you are trying to see the info with the devices in low power mode, grey icon, it won't show when they are like that, same for spun down disks, only when the icon is green.


This is when they are green. It says "Normal Operation, Device is active. Click to spin down device." If I hover the green dot. However, capabilities/attributes show not available most of the time. I even tried immediately after copying a file to the cache, and refreshing a few times to see if it appeared, so I know it is active, but neither drive will give me stats. I also tried after running mover, with a small file on the cache. Sometimes they do show though... I wish I knew what determined when that was.


Updating to note that if I do a transfer that takes long enough, and check while the file is being transferred to the cache, I can see the info at that point. They are always green though. My previous Samsung SSDs for cache had this info avilable every time I looked, these WDs seem to work just fine but only provide info when transferring.

Edited by Hastor
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