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unRAID unclean shutdowns are killing me

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Well THAT was dramatic. 


Anyway. Unfortunately my power provider is pretty unstable and the battery in my UPS is fried (and $300 for a new one), so I've had about 700 unclean shutdowns in the last year. 


At the moment I'm hoping to resolve 3 issues:


1. I sometimes cannot write to my mapped network locations. For example, I have my documents set to \\192.168.x.x\Windows Cache\Downloads. When attempting to write (or copy paste from the same location) I SOMETIMES get this error: 

file can't be save because there is not enough space


2. My docker containers have permissions errors and refuse to start unless I run this code:


chown -Rc nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/


3. I am scared my files are going to go bye bye. I need to fix the corruption of my file system.


My file system for my cache and array is XFS.

Screenshot (3605).png

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