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Transmission & Squeeze server on cache drive?


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I am looking to replace a pc that I have running that has my torrent app and squeezserver with my unRaid server. This will be a great solution for me as I only have to leave the unRaid server running and can remove another pc from my home.


So as both these apps will be running 24x7 and have log files etc I am assuming that it would be better to install these on a cache drive and not the array so as to stop the array spinning up, disks within the array anyway. Is this correct? Am I thinking along the right lines here?


Transmission seems fairly straight forward to get up and running but I think the Squeezeserver is a bit of a pain unless someone can tell me otherwise?


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That is quite correct - SqueezeBoxServer is best run from a drive which is outside of the parity-protected array.  I remember it being a little convoluted to get it running from the cache drive, but it can be done.  In order to limit spinups on the cache drive, I moved all of the SBS logfiles to /var/log on the memory disk - achieving this did take me a little while.  Mine has been running like this for several months.


I have the following notes (relating to updating an existing installation - but they may give some clues for a new install) stored on disk:

I would kill the currently running SBS process first!

1.   Unrar the new package and move to new install directory:
•   tar -xf squeezeboxserver-7.x.x.tgz

2.   Permissions of directories and files needs to be 755:
•   chmod -R 755 ./SBS_new_install/

3.   Copy across the Prefs, Plugins, Cache and Logs directories from the old installation:
•   cp -pR ./SBS_old_install/prefs ./SBS_new_install/  
•   cp -pR ./SBS_old_install/Plugins ./SBS_new_install/
•   cp -pR ./SBS_old_install/cache ./SBS_new_install/
•   cp -pR ./SBS_old_install/Logs ./SBS_new_install/

4.   Ownership of root program directory needs to be changed (I use slimserver:1000 for some reason!):
•   chown -R slimserver:root ./SBS_new_install
(I never had to do this in the past...but it probably won't hurt.)

5. ln -s SBS_new_install slimserver


If you need assistance, don't be afraid to ask.

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Thanks Peter, great to know I am on the right track. I'll try and work my way through the notes and threads on here to work out the Squeezeserver install...


I have ordered a new 1Tb drive and Supermicro 8 way SATA card. I have already used up the mb 6 channels on-board so the installation of a cache drive was the tipping point of more hardware on order.

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Transmission worked well for me but no so much the SBS. This was a about a year ago though so things may have changed. I didn't have SBS on a cache drive though so it did keep spinning up one of my drives.

The issue I had was that it would occasionally shut itself (SBS) off. Poor WAF.

Give it a go though but I found it difficult. It was easier for me to move it to my mythtv server.



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