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Unmountable: Wrong or no file system - New drive

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Just added a new drive to my array yesterday.  No data currently on it.  It was a cold spare I had pre-cleared over a year ago.  When added to the array, Unraid decided it wanted to do a clear on it anyway.  As I was in no rush I allowed it to do so.


Woke this morning, the disk was cleared, green dot and Healthy.  But space not included in the array, filesys set to "auto" and not "xfs".  I went into the drive's config, and changed the File System Type to xfs.  I was thinking it would have given me the option to format the drive (to xfs) but no joy.  Now fs shows xfs, but still not mounted with Unraid reporting "Unmountable: Wrong or no file system".


Where do I go from here?  Diagnostics attached, currently on 6.10.3.  Thanks!



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