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SMB shares external to unraid no longer mount or able to create

Go to solution Solved by pbrening,

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I have seen my external smb shares no longer mount or even manually mount on unraid server.  This problem began happening about a week ago as I have looked for solutions.  The mounting of these shares has worked in the past for some months.  The internal shares both default and created ones are fine.  The external shares on network all of them synology nas do not longer mount or even reliabile create.  Some times loading network shares works and some times mounts work as well but never create the intended share to use later.  These external synology mounts are fine with macs on the network as I mount parts of the volumes by running a mount script on each mac.  Please review and give me some ideas to pursue.  Most topics seem related to internal shares within unraid and not external mounts



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As requested I did the following:

Stopped array


Network services


Enable SMB Multi Channel: - set to No from Yes


Clean shutdown of array

Power up

Start array


No changes in mounting auto or manually or even trying to create a new smb share externally as all do not work but spend time trying to mount and end up timing out.

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Set your docker custom network to 'ipvlan' instead of 'macvlan'.


You have network or remote server issues.  The mount command is taking too long:

Dec 13 18:03:13 Unraid-NUC8BEH unassigned.devices: Warning: shell_exec(/sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_scratch-DS411' '//DS411-II/scratch-DS411' '/mnt/remotes/DS411-II_scratch-DS411' 2>&1) took longer than 10s!
Dec 13 18:03:13 Unraid-NUC8BEH unassigned.devices: SMB default protocol mount failed: 'command timed out'.


Try using the IP address for the remote server instead of the name and see if it makes a difference.

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  • Solution

I changed my remote shares settings.  I delete every share that was remote.  I returned the smb multichannel to yes.  I left alone the docker custom network as it was.  I created new shares only using ip's and loading shares...making connections and setting as needed automount on two of them.  With a reboot it works well.  In summary the only change on my network was using ip vs name of mount share.  I thank you for this recommendation and appreciate your diligent effort.

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