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Go to solution Solved by ghost82,

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I'm something of an Unraid newbie, but have mostly muddled through OK.

As background, my PC was originally a dedicated Windows 11 machine, with Windows on an NVME solid state drive. I got Unraid up and running on other drives and could swap back and forth between them without too much issues, but then tried using the SpaceInvaderOne guide to run the Windows 11 install as a virtual machine.


to the same error as this thread, and it looks like I have the same B450 BIOS (I think?), but can't find "advanced CPU options" or any references to "SVM." I may be missing something incredibly obvious but can't figure out what.


Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 10.30.39 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 10.30.27 AM.png

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