Mount Network Share

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Just trying to help here, but typically you can access your UnRaid shares through the UnRaid's name, plus the share name or disk share:


\\tower\disk1 - your first non-parity drive


\\tower\music - a folder in the root of one (or more) of your UnRaid disks


I'm thinking you'll have no options to make it faster - I think the copy is going to have to happen through your Windows/Mac box.


You can map a drive to your shares if you wish - let us know your operating system and the NAS you have and maybe you'll get some better ideas.



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From the unraid console  (or use screen if using telnet), you should be able to do


mkdir /mnt/oldnas
mount -t smbfs -o username=<nas username>,password=<nas password> //<nas ip>/<nas share> /mnt/oldnas


then use rsync to get the data across, still from the unraid box prompt:


cd /mnt/oldnas
rsync -av . /mnt/user/data


(this assumes you have a user share called data on unraid)


If data may have been modified on the nas during copy, fire off the same rsync command once more just before turning off the nas, so everything is up to date. When done, unmount the nas with


umount /mnt/oldnas
rmdir /mnt/oldnas



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