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Mount unassigned device in Windows VM

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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My first post -- praying somebody can help.  I'm trying to make the leap from Windows/Drivepool to Unraid.  I have Unraid installed, an array/cache setup, and a Windows VM going.  What I was hoping to do was install Drivepool in the Windows VM and add the disks that still have my data on them.  Drivepool lets you very easily move disks between Windows machines.  But they need to be added as native disks (like the c : vdisk).   I cannot for the life of me figure out how to mount these unassigned devices in the Windows VM.  


I was able to get it to show as a share, but you can't use mapped drives with Drivepool.  I figured out how to add a second vdisk, but it shows up as an unformatted/unallocated disk in the drive manager and I can't format the drive because I need the data on it.  


I'm praying there's some way to do this.  Otherwise, I just wasted a lot of time!  I just need to mount about six drives as vdisks in the Windows VM so that I can then, in turn, add them to Drivepool.  

Edited by bumpkin
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