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Parity drive in error again - New drive, two fails.

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I don't know what is going on after two failures. The drive I'm using for parity might not be the correct one or something else. This server has taken me nearly 2 years to get built, all new Supermicro 24 bay hardware, and I still haven't been able to use it consistently. Any suggestions would be very helpful. My first server has been running for several years straight without a single problem and it was all used hardware, but using Windows Server Essentials. I'm using a brand new 18tb drive from Seagate for the parity, Seagate 18TB 7200RPM Exos SATA 3.5" Enterprise Hard Drive ST18000NM000J. I went through the "normal" and suggested installation prep for the drive each time. Pre clear was successful and so was parity sync. 1 week after both times the parity showed up as disabled. Been told about the third power pin on these newer drives which sorta makes sense for how they act, but then again it starts out good and runs fine for a week. These ones will actually spin down per the schedule I set but the older drives that don't have this extra pin in my other server have never spun down. I do have the diagnostic zip file, and have attached the .zip file below. Intend to add a second parity drive as well, once we can get the first one up, running and staying happy. Begging for help, suggestions, anything but calling me an idiot for getting in over my head. I love the functionality of unRaid - would just like to get the parity(s) working so my data is secure.


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  • 1 month later...

We have been running the server for a month now, including a successful schedule parity check.  Something so simple that I didn't even think of.  Have just finished configuring the backup server using the same disks and, of course, setting the parity drive to not spin down.  About to start the data transfer for the first backup.


Many, many thanks for the solution.

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