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Cache Pool size swelled after moving

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I recently upgraded my cache pool from two 250GB ssds to two 1TB ssds.  I moved the system and app data folders after stopping docker and vm services to the array using the new built in file manager to move them.  After swapping the new drives in those two folders seems to have swelled in size for some reason.  Before everything the size of those folders together was about 60-70GB.  Now its about 250-260GB.  I mean I now have the space to support that put losing almost 200GB of cache space for some unknown reason to me is concerning.  Anyone have any ideas what the issue might be?  I assume it's something that I messed up LOL, although everything has been running with no issues so I'm at a loss.

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47 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Vdisks are thin provisioned, move to the array again then copy back with cp --sparse=always


Thanks for the quick reply.  I assume that is a terminal command, I'm not too proficient with that so will have to figure it out.  However, move it to array then copy back not move back?  Would it be better to move to an unassigned disk verse the array?  I assume it would be faster to move from ssd to NVME vs the array.  And both System (currently 199GB according to the calculation on the shares tab, Krusader only shows this as 10GB?) and appData (currently 60GB) or is just one of them the issue?  I've never encountered this issue before and unraid usually just works (lol) so I may be asking questions that don't even need to be asked.

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15 hours ago, CBPXXIV said:

Would it be better to move to an unassigned disk verse the array?

As you prefer, unassigned NVMe would be faster.


15 hours ago, CBPXXIV said:

move it to array then copy back not move back?

Because not sure mv supports sparse files, cp supports, so use cp then just delete the files once they are copied.

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