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Cache Device Failure? Need some advice!

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hey all – so I was out of town for about a week or so and half way through the trip all of my Docker containers slowly became unresponsive.. Sonarr, Radarr, Plex all seemed to first lose access to data (plex wouldn't actually play any media) then each was unreachable as I'm guessing the Docker service itself went down.


I just got home today and noticed that I have some failures called out on the Cache drive. My `appdata` folder is missing from shares, as well as my `_MEDIA` folder that contains... well everything. I can attach some logs and the smart test from the cache drive. I'm kind of scared to reboot or anything as last time I ran into issues I went with a reboot and lost all logs, lost some data, etc. I already ordered a new SSD cache drive as I suspect that my current one is failing based on a couple searches, but I wanted to confirm that and then ask for some advice.


So my `appdata` folder is backed up on backblaze b2 via duplicati. Once I get Docker service running again I'm assuming it'll be easy enough for me to restore that folder in it's original glory. What concerns me is the missing shares. I know the data is still there, as my dashboard is reporting that my 12TB worth of drives is 60 something percent full. Should I be worried about data loss?


Thanks in advance for any help, trying to do the right thing this time and reach out for advice before blowing everything up and digging myself a deeper hole.


More basic info – I'm running a single cache drive, 3 disks in the array (all 4TB) with a matching 4TB parity drive.


Screenshot of the cache drive smart test results (also included the results attached to the post):




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