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Unmountable: Wrong or no file system with replacement disc

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have replaced one of the discs of the array with a bigger one. The new disc had two successful runs of precleaning before adding to the location of the old disc. After restarting the array the system stated "Unmountable: Wrong or no file system". It did rebuild the new disc though. It is now finished but it still shows the unmountable message. 

What to do?

Diagnostics is attached.


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I get this message from the test:

Phase 1 - find and verify superblock... bad primary superblock - bad magic number !!! attempting to find secondary superblock... .found candidate secondary superblock... verified secondary superblock... would write modified primary superblock Primary superblock would have been modified. Cannot proceed further in no_modify mode. Exiting now.


Should I run xfs_repair on it?

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