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Array Stopped • stale configuration .... But the array and services are working!

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have an issue where the WebUI thinks the array is stopped, but it's online, shares are there and working, docker is running, plugins are running, virtual machines work. But the WebUI is very cumbersome to use.


In the main page, most of the tabs show like the array is off, the Array Operation tab only shows reboot and shutdown.

On Array and Pool devices, everything looks ready to start the array. Nothing showing anything wrong, except that the array actually started.


The Dashboard looks almost normal, except the widgets for Array and Cache are named Array (stopped) and Cache (stopped), but they show the normal info as if it is not stopped.


Docker works, shows the docker containers, except the banner "Array must be Started to view Docker containers." is on top, and in the way for the first docker container. So its hard to interact with the first one. If I go into a sub menu, like editing a docker container, that doesn't show that message obviously it was never programmed to do so.


Same with VMs as dockers


I had this issue once before, and reboot solved the issue. Now I have rebooted but it still continues to be like this


Any suggestions?


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I did reboot again now hours after this problem started, but just after I posted this post.
Just to be sure, I did turn off Docker and Virtualization, and then unmounted all drives mounted in /mnt manually

But I am uncertain this actually did anything to help the situation.


Anyway, this is alarming since it has happened during 3 separate boots, two today, and one last time I booted (I don't know when that was)

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7 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

If you are using Firefox reboot first then use a different brwoser

Yes I am using Firefox, after this issue starts it did also happen in Qutebrowser (webkit) and Chromium also. So your suggestion is to only start the Array in webkit type browsers?

Is this issue being looked at? Dynamix also is very slow in Firefox, it has been for several versions of Unraid, like about a year. Is this on the radar for Unraid devs?

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