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Snapshot gone in virsh after reboot


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Hi Guys,


I really need to make use of the virsh snapshots because I need to do some extensive tests on an old rhel6 vm so did some digging how to manage it. I installed an oracle linux 6 vm ( is rhel 6) and after some trial and errors I could successfully create snapshots (having a new snapshot file) and revert to the base image. Is not even that complicated (thought it would be)  - to make sure the snapshot is create in the ol6 directory I first cd into /mnt/user/domain/ol6


virsh snapshot-create-as ol6 snapshot0 --description "first snapshot" --disk-only
virsh snapshot-current ol6
virsh snapshot-current ol6 --name


On disk a file got created "vdisk1.snapshst0" - sweet.

The I updated the os with the usual "yum check-update && yum update". The new file got larger during the update process. Sweet. I could easily revert with virsh snapshot-revert ol6 snapshot0. And then when I rebooted unraid virsh no longer knows about the snapshot.. I assume the snapshot information is kept in memory then rather than stored on the usb ? How can I fix this? -


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