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Help!! I may have just lost a crap ton of data...

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I may have just lost a crap ton of data, not sure what to do now to try and solve this... 


I am trying to get EaseUS Data recovery wizard to connect to the server now but it is not connecting and I am at a loss. Luckily I have my important data backed up so it is just media I seem to have lost but I have no idea what happened or how to prevent it in the future either...


I am really hoping someone can assist me with this, would really prefer not to have to start over... it's about 50TB missing


I have attached the diagnostics


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No clue, everything seemed to be working fine all day, came home from work and went to watch something, Plex gave an error stating that the file was not available, logged into my server and it showed 8.15TB used, this morning it was damned near 60TB used...


I am afraid it may be some sort of hardware failure but I am not seeing anything (and stupid me decided to reboot) so now I am stuck missing a ton of media with no idea what happened, if it is possible to recover, or if it will happen again.

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A few of the TV shows were configured to delete 7 days after watching but very few, and none of the remaining media were set up that way at all.


Some but not all folders relating to media are gone as well, for example, in my Photos folder there are still 3 folders remaining but they are empty, Music folder has one empty folder. All Appdata appears to be fine, Nextcloud data seems to be ok etc, it is very strange.


Only error I had was, after rebooting, was that the Docker image was full or corrupted...

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