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3TB Hitachi CoolSpin - $109 after promo and MIR, free shipping


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I just don't know what to do.  I want to pick up more drives for my primary server (see sig) and I'm very tempted to go with these 3TB ones.  I'm just not sure I want to put it on a "beta" version of the software.  I have been running my secondary server on the beta versions for months without issues and my gut tells me it's very unlikely I'd have problems but still... I just don't know.  I'd hate to fill the case with 2TB drives and no hope of expansion (except replacing 2TB drives).  What to do?



Does anyone have experience using a similar setup with 3TB drives. 

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Why not buy a couple of 3 TB drives and use them on your test server for a while?  Once both they and the beta software prove themselves trustworthy on that server, then migrate them over to your production server.  Or maybe by that time a 5.0 stable will be out...fingers crossed.

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Yes, even up to 2.2 TB.  You will have to short stroke the drive in order for this to work.  However, the latest beta (5.0 beta 10) is stable enough that you can use it on a production server if you want to, just be sure to know what you are doing, and don't panic if something goes wrong.

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