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6.11.5 Another Daily Crasher

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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So had unraid about a week now or so, everyday around 5am it crashes. Not sleeping, nothing I can determine in this log. The only common theme is it will have recently changed the fan speed and then boom logging a new start up. All of the syslog I've gathered so far from mirroring the log to the flash is attached. Any further insight into these crashes would be helpful as I'm kinda past the point of return as I have so much data on here it would be a true pita to pull it back out and move away from unraid. I'm hoping its just some obviously noob issue. My big fear is its because this runs on an older 1800X amd cpu and AX370 gaming 5 board.


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Thank goodness for overly expensive boards. Dual bios ftw. so bios 1 is corrupt on my board now... not 100% sure how that came to be but i set my clock settings back in line with your guidance as well as disabling c-steps completely in bios. We shall see how it goes if it lasts 28 hours id say we are good.

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  • 1 month later...

One last final update for anyone wondering, long story short, the 980GTX the faithful of my twin sisters that got me my first working 4k setup with SLI 980s  has failed. Removing it from my unraid server got me truly stable, i've now transferred from a trialer to a customer and am happy thus far with the purchase. Great minds here, I was able to solve a plethora of issues I ran into along the way chaining dockers together and managing permissions just by searching the forum and not until this whole debacle did I need to post. Thanks for the help.

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