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Server Rebooting Repeatedly After Array Start

Ed W
Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I recently upgraded my unRAID box to get some better performance - please see system specs below. Since the upgrade, the system has been behaving oddly and rebooting after I tell the array to start or it auto-starts. I did manage swap out my drives and rebuild the array without the array being started (not sure exactly how at this point). I feel like I have done an insane amount of research to try to determine the underlying cause because I really like unRAID and would like to continue using it, but it is essentially unusable right now. So, here I am turning to the geniuses on this forum to see if any of you can assist. I've attached my diagnostics file from earlier today after one of the reboots took place while the server was running it's monthly Parity Check. I am hoping someone can shed some light as my system was stable prior to the upgrade.


System Specs:

Gigabyte Aorus B450M motherboard running latest BIOS available (F64a)

AMD Ryzen 5 5600G CPU

48GB Patriot Viper DDR4 PC3200 (2666MHz) RAM

WD 120EMFZ 12TB 5400RPM - Parity

WD 121KFBX x2 7200RPM 256MB Cache - Data


I have seen some known issues with the Ryzen series and have performed several of the recommended changes, before becoming super frustrated and resetting the BIOS back to "optimized defaults". I then set Global C-State Control to disabled and also updated the Power Supply Idle Control item to "Typical Current Idle". At this point, I am at a loss. :(


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15 hours ago, JorgeB said:

If the issues started after changing the hardware it suggests a hardware problem, since it's easy I would first try running the server with a single stick of RAM to see if there's any difference, try with at least two different ones in case one has a problem.

Thanks for that suggestion, @JorgeB! I am doing some testing with the memory this evening to see if that might fix it. I had 2 sets of dual channel memory, so I removed the older set and moved the new memory to the primary slots on the motherboard. One thing I noticed tonight is that my System Clock in the BIOS doesn't seem to want to match up with what is set in unRAID and if I change it in unRAID to match up, it adjusts the System Clock in the BIOS. Is this normal behavior? I don't think I have seen this before, so I am curious.

Here is an example of what I am seeing:
System Clock currently states it is 20:40 EST 3/16/2023

unRAID Clock currently states it is 16:40 EST 3/16/2023

If I change unRAID Clock to 20:40 EST, System Clock updates to 00:40 EST 3/17/2023


Do you have any idea what could be causing this? I have checked my settings for date and time in unRAID and it is set to the correct timezone (UTC-5 Eastern Time US & Canada).

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10 hours ago, apandey said:

Are you sure system clock has a timezone showing as EST. It might just be UTC and gets converted to timezone when unraid boots up

@apandey - thanks for the tip! I did some digging and I do not see anywhere in my BIOS to change the timezone, it just gives me the data and time to change (listed as System Time and System Date respectively). If it helps any, I am running a Gigabyte Aorus B450M motherboard with the latest (F64a) BIOS installed.

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2 hours ago, apandey said:

Then your bios is likely just UTC, which is generally a good recommendation to set hardware clocks anyway. Is this causing any specific issue? 

See this too https://superuser.com/questions/282551/should-i-set-my-bios-to-local-time-or-utc


Thanks so much for that, @apandey! Reading through that link and other sites too, it looks like that is the case. I am going to take care of it and make it set the way it needs to be so I can use my timezone settings in unRAID. :)

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On 3/16/2023 at 5:08 AM, JorgeB said:

If the issues started after changing the hardware it suggests a hardware problem, since it's easy I would first try running the server with a single stick of RAM to see if there's any difference, try with at least two different ones in case one has a problem.

@JorgeB - thank you so much for the tip about the memory. It turns out (and I didn't notice this until talking to a friend of mine), but the memory I had bought to beef up the server was a slightly different CL than the memory that was already in it. Once I removed the older memory, the server has been stable since last night when I made the switch. Apparently the CLs were different enough it was causing instability and the restarts.


Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

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