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Request: Call of Duty Medal of Honor dedicated server Docker

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I'm entertaining the idea of creating a Call of Duty Dedicated server using a Docker. (rather than going through a VM). Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be one when searching the community apps section. Also been looking at making one from scratch, but right now, it looks like it's all way over my head.   I did find something on GitHub which might fit the bill: https://github.com/matracey/docker-codwaw , but again, I really don't know where to start.  To start, are the files that are posted there what I need? I will try to research and figure it out on my own. Secondly, if you have experience in creating Dockers, would you be able to recommend a site that would have a good "How to" on this subject matter. Right Now I'm going through Unraid's Docker Manual but it's not an easy read! .

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Edited by StephenCND
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