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Extremely slow transfer from NTFS HDD to Array

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi everyone, 


I've recently finished building my NAS and I'm starting to transfer files over from my smaller drives. 

I currently only have three drives connected (one data disc in array, one cache nvme, and the NTFS HDD from a windows machine)


I used unassigned devices to mount it and now I'm using midnight commander over ssh to transfer the various STL files to my share (transferring to /mnt/user/3D Printing)


The NTFS HDD is a Barracuda at 5400rpm and it IS reporting errors in unRaid (but it was working way better than these speeds in Windows)

It is transferring to a new iron wolf pro

I don't have a parity drive set up

Transfer speeds are going from 165-500kb/s on average and a 7gb folder is taking an hour to transfer. 


What is going wrong here?


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