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Can I fix this?

Go to solution Solved by Hoopster,

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28 minutes ago, Niller said:

Do I need a new licence?

No - the only thing tied to a license level is the number of connected storage devices when the array starts.


30 minutes ago, Niller said:

docker memory full

Unless you specified a really small docker image size (20GB is typical) and have a lot of docker containers, this is likely due to one or more mis-configured docker containers that are writing into the docker.img file rather than to the "correct" location such as array storage, an unassigned device, appdata, etc. 

Start troubleshooting by clicking on the image.png.72320d1dfb9f2404b8e5ae17a1e0f6e4.pngbutton at the bottom of the Docker tab in the GUI and look for one or more containers that are unusually large.  They likely have something that is mis-configured and is taking up space in the docker.img.


It may also help if you attach your diagnostics zip file to a new post.

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1 minute ago, Niller said:

18 GB out of ?

Default size is 20GB unless you specified a different size.


2 minutes ago, Niller said:

Maybe a fresh restart of the boot drive? 

If your docker file is corrupt, you need to go to Settings --> Docker, disable Docker and select the checkbox to delete docker.img.  When you enable Docker, a new docker.img file will be created. 


You can then install new docker containers from the Apps tab or use the Previous Apps option in the Apps tab to reinstall the docker containers you had previously with all their configuration settings intact.  With the Previous Apps option, if something was mis-configured before it will still be mis-configured after reinstalling.

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