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Samba issues between unraid and Windows

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Hey guys,


Got a potentially unsupported question, but one people may be able to assist with:


I'm running Unraid in Proxmox as a VM, alongside another Ubuntu VM for my services etc.


I've mounted the shares in Windows, but if I do a share to share transfer, for some reason they're going via the workstation rather than via the unraid server (so unraid > workstation > unraid) causing quite slow file transfers.


I'd expect that a share to share transfer would be done internally on the server rather than using the workstation as the middleman.



Edited by modem7
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7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

I moved you previous thread to the Virtualizing Unraid forum, since that's the correct place for it, going to merge this there.

Thank you! 


I deleted the old thread (or at least thought I had) as the question changed as I had figured a few things out. This thread at least focuses the question purely on Samba. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/19/2023 at 11:37 AM, modem7 said:

Hey guys,


Got a potentially unsupported question, but one people may be able to assist with:


I'm running Unraid in Proxmox as a VM, alongside another Ubuntu VM for my services etc.


I've mounted the shares in Windows, but if I do a share to share transfer, for some reason they're going via the workstation rather than via the unraid server (so unraid > workstation > unraid) causing quite slow file transfers.


I'd expect that a share to share transfer would be done internally on the server rather than using the workstation as the middleman.


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it sounds like you are experiencing the same thing i am / did, if you check some of my posts i compare the speeds of SMB on windows server vs smb on unraid and its night and day different. In addition to that though, i've noticed what you have, as well as other things. For example when we had windows server installed, you could be at your windows desktop and just unzip from the remote desktop, as if it was locally stored on your hdd. with the linux implementation of smb, we cant do that. 


To get around that particular scenario I created a bash script to ssh into the unraid box, check what path i was on and find the file i wanted to unzip and execute 7z and then do perms cleanup and close. I imagine you'll need to do similarly and ssh into the other unraid and execute the move / copy that way. Others have done it via using midknight commander or that other docker one with rsync. Its unfortunately the nature of the beast and if you want that functionality we need windows server. 

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