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Share contains sshfs mounted directory | Can't access directory within Windows, but can in Unraid

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I have a share called Temp. I have mounted a remote share over sftp with sshfs (using user scripts), and had it mount at /mnt/user/Temp/Seedbox


The user script is as follows:

sshfs -o reconnect,ServerAliveInterval=15,ServerAliveCountMax=3,allow_other,ro,port=22,IdentityFile=/root/.ssh/seedbox/id_rsa [email protected]:/media/ /mnt/user/Temp/Downloads/Seedbox


If I navigate to that directory within Unraid, I can get into that folder and see the files within it totally fine:




However, if I try to access that folder through the share in my Windows computer, I get this error:




I have tried to change permissions for the folder but am unable to and get the following error: 

chmod: changing permissions of 'Downloads/Seedbox/': Read-only file system


I do want that directory to be Read-only, but I also want to be able to view it through my Windows computer which has mounted the Temp share. How to I make it so that I can access this folder properly through my Windows computer, and not just directly from the Unraid?



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8 hours ago, JorgeB said:

You should not use /mnt/user for any custom mounts, use for example the UD protected mountpoint /mnt/addons

I have moved the mount to /mnt/addons. How do I now properly get /mnt/addons to be shared over SMB to my Windows computer? Can I turn it into a share somehow or is there another method?

Edited by dansushi
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