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Unmovable files

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Dear community,


I have recently tried to move files from one folder of a Share to another using Krusader. Interestingly, Krusader will move the folder as instructed, but if I then look up my share, the folder structure will remain unaltered...
In addition to that, this share seems to have some files on the cache drive. I have repeatedly invoked the "mover" (with cache set to "yes"), but nothing happens, and some files will just remain, it seems, on the cache drive...


On a side note, whenever I start a VM stored on the cache drive, it will automatically shut down after a few minutes. Maybe this issue is completely unrelated, but maybe something is wrong with the cache drive... How would I check and repair that?

Many thanks!



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6 hours ago, bwv1058 said:

have recently tried to move files from one folder of a Share to another using Krusader. Interestingly, Krusader will move the folder as instructed, but if I then look up my share, the folder structure will remain unaltered...

can you describe what paths you have mounted to krusader and which paths are you moving across?


6 hours ago, bwv1058 said:

I have repeatedly invoked the "mover" (with cache set to "yes"), but nothing happens, and some files will just remain, it seems, on the cache drive..

mover will not move any open files. you can use open files plugin to verify


6 hours ago, bwv1058 said:

whenever I start a VM stored on the cache drive, it will automatically shut down after a few minutes. Maybe this issue is completely unrelated, but maybe something is wrong with the cache drive... How would I check and repair that?


you can run a btrfs scrub to check. What path are you giving to the VM? 

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Dear apandey,

Thank you very much for your reply!

13 hours ago, apandey said:

can you describe what paths you have mounted to krusader and which paths are you moving across?


My host path is /mnt/user and from Krusader's perspective what I'm trying to do is to move Root/media/MYSHARE/MYFOLDER/MYSUBFOLDER/.../TARGETFOLDER to Root/media/MYSHARE/MYFOLDER/MYOTHERSUBFOLDER/.../TARGETFOLDER


13 hours ago, apandey said:

mover will not move any open files. you can use open files plugin to verify

Thank you for the suggestion! The two specific folders that are still located in the cache don't appear anywhere in the open file's list of files.



14 hours ago, apandey said:

you can run a btrfs scrub to check.


Here is my scrub output. Rather reassuring, but unfortunately it does not explain the problems I'm having....


UUID:             89902bd6-9beb-4dac-976b-a39d2e4e8fc4
Scrub started:    Fri Apr 21 19:23:32 2023
Status:           finished
Duration:         0:02:11
Total to scrub:   341.19GiB
Rate:             2.60GiB/s
Error summary:    no errors found


14 hours ago, apandey said:

What path are you giving to the VM?


The path for my crashing Windows VM would be: /mnt/user/isos/virtio-win-0.1.160-1.iso


Thank you again for your help!

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