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ICYDOCK 5-3 - red HDD light


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Dear all,


I have six ICYDOCK 5-3 MB455SPF bays of which 3 show a red HDD light in the middle bay. Red indicates a failed drive. However...


  • According to the manual, the HDD red light needs to be signalled by the host adapter via a specific FAIL connector/cable which is not connected. So it should not be possible to be red.
  • Moving a drive from one slot to another ie. a drive that shows green in one slot into the red one changes nothing.
  • Removing the fan does not change anything.
  • Switching the SATA cable does not change anything.  
  • The drives work as expected.


The slot is just red, whatsoever. I could find anything online that explains this. 


Has anybody seen this and can advise what the middle HDD light = red means or has a tipp what I could try to debug this further?




Best regards,



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18 hours ago, tazman said:

The slot is just red, whatsoever. I could find anything online that explains this.

Even no disk in that slot still RED ?


I vote it is Icydock circuit board failure only, try to cleanup the "HDD-FAIL-IN" header, or disassembly the circuit board to trouble-shoot.

Edited by Vr2Io
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Hi Vr2Io,


thanks, they are red when a drive is in only. The headers are clean. I just replaced the backplane with most problems (some of the slots were not working, the drives in the other two with a red middle LED are all ok) with a one from Supermicro that I had lying around and so far, the preclears are going good. I am also hanging towards your suspicion of a board failure as power and the SATA cables are working ok now.


Best regards,



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28 minutes ago, tazman said:

they are red when a drive is in only.

Note, those cage not a high end product, the fail LED just a simple signal indicator, but it also detect disk insert or not.


I guess even no any SATA cable connect, it also RED when power up with disk insert.


Doesn't like SAS protocol, it have enclosure management, fail signal could be inband within protocol.

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