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So I've been searching around I'm not 100% sure of the answer. If you have a hard drive enclosure full of SATA drives that has a Mini-SAS HD backplane, and (using a reverse breakout cable) you connect it to SATA ports that have a JMB585 or ASM1166 controller, will this work?


I assume not, and that the motherboard has to to have a built in SAS controller on its SATA ports for this to actually work? That or have to get a SAS HBA.

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16 hours ago, twin_suns said:

and (using a reverse breakout cable) you connect it to SATA ports that have a JMB585 or ASM1166 controller, will this work?

Assuming there's a SAS expander it won't work, it will work for direct connect backplanes, without an expander, i.e., that have a separate connection for each drive.

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