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Invalid parity and missing disk.

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I ran parity correction today and one of my disks started to error a lot. So I stopped parity and shut down the server. But after checking the disk cables, one of the disks didn't load just clicks in it. Parity counted about 50GB. Now I am in invalid parity state and disk is missing and since I have only one parity disk I can't run array. I don't know what to do next.

Missing disk tested on pc but not load..


Thank for any help. 



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It was valid but when I ran the parity check, one disk started to fail so I stopped the parity check, turned off the server, checked the cables and turned it back on, one of the disks didn't load and was shown as missing, and I guess when I aborted the parity check than it showed up as invalid so I ended up with losing data on the 2TB disk, however I had some backups. and the rest were movies and TV shows. You're always learning. So backup, backup, backup. 
I can't even remember the exact procedure anymore. And in the future, I'm definitely investing in a second parity drive. It's a bit of a shame that a disk can go away when checking parity. but I've gotten errors in the log before that some disk is resetting the link. it's hard to know which one though because the log only says "ata.6" is resetting the link but I don't know what ata.6 is, I even got a command that lists all the disks ->

ls -l /sys/block/sd*|grep ata

<- and what disk it is like sda etc. However it ended up being a different disk. And I don't have any more errors in my log.

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