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Cannot delete share: device or resource busy

Go to solution Solved by jacquesgalore,

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Hi all -


I'm encountering an odd error. I have a share called `Time Machine - Jacques` located on `/mnt/disk1/`. I am trying to delete it, but unraid will not allow it:

What happens:

  1. If you try to Delete, rename or change in the GUI it "processes" but nothing happens
  2. Krusader will not let you delete
  3. In the terminal, `rm -rf <directory>` returns "Cannot remove device or resource busy"



  1. There is nothing in the share (confirmed in terminal using ls -alh)
  2. The permissions are identical to other shares (confirmed in terminal)
  3. There are no processes running (confirmed using lsof | grep)
  4. There are no loops running on it (confirmed using losetup)
  5. I've run in Safe Mode and stopped all Containers and VMs
  6. Disk Check ran and came back normal



  1. Ideas or recommendations?
  2. Can I delete without mounting the array?



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This appears to be the root of the issue in the boot logs.


May 14 07:10:34 Carlino unassigned.devices: Mounting 'Auto Mount' Remote Shares...
May 14 07:10:39 Carlino unassigned.devices: Using Gateway '' to Ping Remote Shares.
May 14 07:10:45 Carlino emhttpd: shcmd (530): rmdir '/mnt/user/Time Machine - Jacques'
May 14 07:10:45 Carlino shfs: /usr/sbin/zfs destroy -r disk1/Time Machine - Jacques
May 14 07:10:45 Carlino shfs: error: retval 2 attempting 'zfs destroy'
May 14 07:10:45 Carlino root: rmdir: failed to remove '/mnt/user/Time Machine - Jacques': Device or resource busy


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  • 8 months later...

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