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Terrified right now. Avoiding data loss.

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I'll do my best to detail what happened as well as I can, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't frazzled right now.

For a few days, Disk 1 was showing disabled with contents emulated, but with no SMART errors. This happened after my SAS card overheated which necessitated a restart. Files on shares were not showing up in File Explorer and giving Disk I/O errors in Linux. I ordered new drives, but they are not in yet.

Just now, the server crawled to a halt as services and containers stopped responding before the entire machine locked up and I was unable to do anything except power down the machine by force. My concern now is whether or not this machine is even safe to turn on, lest I lose all the data that was stored on Drive 1 (which is at least half my data.)

Please, any advice would be really helpful right now.


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1 minute ago, trurl said:

[...] you must always have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable.

I know. I'm sorry that I didn't have that yet; this server was multi-purpose, but it was bulk storage for a lot of important files (including every stream VOD I've ever made) and I just didn't have a good solution yet for storing them off-site. If and when this is fixed, that will be made as soon as possible. I don't have a lot of money, but I'll do what I can.

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