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Replacing Cache Drive

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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I just recently added a second cache drive for some redundancy. I noticed my primary cache drive has some crc errors. They are not increasing, but this was not a new drive when I built the server. Since SSD's are so cheap I want to replace this drive with a new one. I guess needing to know the process on how to do this. First off it's in a hot swap bay, I want to move it out of there and onto a expansion card. I want to free this space up for another spinning drive. Will this cause any issues? I'm assuming to replace the cache drive, stop the array, start the mover, once done shutdown server replace drive, select new drive in slot 1 of the cache pool.



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1 hour ago, itimpi said:

I would not bother as CRC errors are very rarely anything to do with the drive, but are typically due to issue with the power and/or SATA cabling to the drive.



What about moving the drive form a hot swap bay? Is unraid going to freak out if I move it a hard drive caddy instead?

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