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After Update to UNRAID 6.12.0, Windows VMs are not working

Go to solution Solved by eltonk,

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Sorry, I missed a 5...try with this:



I think your issue is within the vm, because as you can see from the output of lspci you have the ethernet controller at 02:01.0.

Did you configured the network controller inside the vm?


Search google how to configure network in your os distribution.

Edited by ghost82
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HOLY SMOKES!! ChatGPT for the WIN.


So now I have internet and everything is working. So what is the root cause? Why did upgrade to unraid 6.12.4 break my VM? Should I leave the hard disk on sata mode or switch it back to virtio? How can I get virtio working again on the vm? The other guy said he updated the kernel, is that what I should do here to get virtio back?



in a ubuntu command line interface how do I configure the network


In Ubuntu, network configuration can be managed using different tools depending on the version of Ubuntu you are using, the type of network interface, and whether you want to set up a static or dynamic IP address.

Here are some of the common methods used for network configuration on Ubuntu:

### 1. `ifconfig` and `/etc/network/interfaces` (deprecated)
Older versions of Ubuntu used `ifconfig` and the `/etc/network/interfaces` file for network configuration. This method is deprecated and replaced by `ip` and `netplan` in newer versions of Ubuntu.

### 2. `netplan` (Ubuntu 17.10 and later)

Ubuntu now uses `netplan` as the standard for network configuration. Here’s how to configure the network using `netplan`:

1. Locate your netplan configuration files. They are typically in the `/etc/netplan/` directory. You will find a `.yaml` file inside this directory.

ls /etc/netplan/

2. Edit the `.yaml` configuration file with a text editor like `nano` or `vim`.

sudo nano /etc/netplan/00-netcfg.yaml

3. Here’s an example of a static IP configuration with `netplan`:

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: no
          search: [mydomain, otherdomain]
          addresses: [,]

Make sure to replace `enp3s0` with the actual interface name, and configure the IP addresses, gateway, and DNS as per your network requirements.

4. Apply the configuration with the following command:

sudo netplan apply

Or, you can use `sudo netplan try` to automatically revert changes if you lose connectivity.

### 3. `nmcli` (NetworkManager command-line tool)

For desktops or servers where NetworkManager is used, `nmcli` is a command-line tool to manage the network:

- To see all connections:

nmcli con show

- To edit or add a connection (for example, for setting a static IP):

nmcli con edit type ethernet con-name "Wired connection 1"

You can set various properties with `nmcli` in interactive mode or directly from the command line.

- To apply the changes to a connection:

nmcli con up id "Wired connection 1"

### 4. `/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf` (for DHCP Client Configuration)
If you need to make changes to how your DHCP client obtains an IP address, you can edit the dhclient configuration.

sudo nano /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf

Here, you can set options like the default lease time, renew time, etc.

### Additional Tips

- Always back up configuration files before editing them.
- Changes made with `nmcli` typically take effect immediately, but in some cases, you might need to restart the NetworkManager service:

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

- Use `ip a` or `ifconfig` (if still available) to display your current network interface settings.
- Be careful when configuring network settings remotely, as incorrect settings may disconnect you from the server.

Remember that networking configuration can significantly impact your system's connectivity, so it should be done carefully, and preferably not on a remote system unless you have alternative access methods like a console or out-of-band management.


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no idea, maybe you don't have any virtio driver installed in your linux vm, maybe they are part of kvm and need to install it to have virtio drivers...frankly speaking for everyday use you wont notice any difference between sata and virtio. qemu agent has nothing to do with virtio.

Edited by ghost82
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